Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The year of kicking life in the shins...

As I was sitting at home working on Mastery Tests for my new job today I couldn't help but reflect at how 2011 was a complete whirlwind...wait, wasn't 2010 a whirlwind? 2009?...Honestly, the past several years have been so trying for me but out of it I have become a stronger person inside (and a little outside). You see, I've always been a firm believer that lasting through adversity only makes a person stronger. It can be a game of survival. It's similar to what I say after a really tough workout, 'well, I'm not dead so I must be stronger.'  The past couple of years have proven my own theory. I know people experience the unexpected and other adversity at points in their lives, but mine seemed to escalate and explode this year.

On a positive note, I had closure on a couple of issues in my life and am happy to move forward... A wiser, funnier, and up for the challenge of creating my own future type of Cat Woman. Despite the turbulence, I have managed my life's situations in ways that have kept things moving forward, kept the people close to me sincere, and myself humbled (almost hitting rock bottom, almost). I sometimes wonder if this journey that is my life will ever slow down, but I don't know if I want it to. Often it's not the end result that matters, but rather, the journey. So, on that note I am ready to close the chapter on the year of Kicking Life in the Shins, also known as 2011, and move on to make 2012 The Official Year of Kick Ass. Continuing the drive of grabbing life by the horns, throwing it around a bit, and officially kicking its ass will bring new accomplishments and success with same ol' me. All the while continuing to make my journey a fun one.

Yours in strength (inner and outer),
